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Marque: El Patio
Tapis Mountain Tree Spiral Mat 120x100x4cm
Tapis doté d'une très grande surface de colonisation grâce à sa technologie brevetée unique .
Marque: El Patio
Tuyaux Japonais Original
Marque: El Patio
Pond Basic 40W Inox
AVANTAGES FILTREAU UV-C- Tuez les moisissures, les bactéries et les algues.- Réduit le chlore et produits chimiques jusqu'à 80 % !- Efficacité énergétique et respect de l'environnement.- Réacteur extra-large pour 1 contact plus long.- 35 % d'UV-C en plus produits par réflexion.- Durée de vie de l'ampoule : 8 000 heures.- Installation facile.- Garantie...
Marque: El Patio
Pompe Blue Eco 2200
Since their introduction in 2010 it is hard to imagine the current pond world without Blue Eco pumps. Due to their durability and extreme low power consumption they have also drawn attention from pool installers. Blue Eco is conquering a steady position in the pond, pool and swimming pond market. Now with free timers and dry running protection!
Marque: El Patio
Pompe Blue Eco 1500
Since their introduction in 2010 it is hard to imagine the current pond world without Blue Eco pumps. Due to their durability and extreme low power consumption they have also drawn attention from pool installers. Blue Eco is conquering a steady position in the pond, pool and swimming pond market. Now with free timers and dry running protection!
Marque: El Patio
Pompe Blue Eco 900
Since their introduction in 2010 it is hard to imagine the current pond world without Blue Eco pumps. Due to their durability and extreme low power consumption they have also drawn attention from pool installers. Blue Eco is conquering a steady position in the pond, pool and swimming pond market. Now with free timers and dry running protection!
Marque: El Patio
Pompe Blue Eco 500
Since their introduction in 2010 it is hard to imagine the current pond world without Blue Eco pumps. Due to their durability and extreme low power consumption they have also drawn attention from pool installers. Blue Eco is conquering a steady position in the pond, pool and swimming pond market. Now with free timers and dry running protection!
Marque: El Patio
Pompe Blue Eco 320
Since their introduction in 2010 it is hard to imagine the current pond world without Blue Eco pumps. Due to their durability and extreme low power consumption they have also drawn attention from pool installers. Blue Eco is conquering a steady position in the pond, pool and swimming pond market. Now with free timers and dry running protection!
Marque: El Patio
Pompe Blue Eco 240
Since their introduction in 2010 it is hard to imagine the current pond world without Blue Eco pumps. Due to their durability and extreme low power consumption they have also drawn attention from pool installers. Blue Eco is conquering a steady position in the pond, pool and swimming pond market. Now with free timers and dry running protection!
Référence: 10400
Marque: El Patio
Pompe FlowFriend Standard Air-Aqua
Les pompes FlowFriend sont novatrices en matière de pompage d’eau avec une consommation ergétique faible. la FlowFriend est conforme à l’indice industriel MEI (supérieur à 0,7) et se trouve donc dans la catégorie « meilleure technologie disponible ». L’indice de rendement MEI (Minimum Effciency Index), associé au rendement du moteur et à l’hydraulique de...
Marque: El Patio
DM Vario 10000S
Pompe de bassin très bonnes performances énergétique et grande fiabilité débit variable de 3000 à 10000 litre/h